Tax-Exempt Status Received!

Please share this page with anyone who might be interested in supporting this work! Lend us a hand—please try to think of at least five!

Good news! We are officially a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization!

We need your help to launch the Chesterton Academy of the Annunciation in Emmitsburg!

The roots of education in the Catholic tradition run deep in Emmitsburg. Over two centuries ago, Fr. John DuBois and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton arrived here and laid the foundations of institutions which, despite humble beginnings, would go on to figure strongly in American Catholic history. Following their example, the Chesterton Academy of the Annunciation is opening in Emmitsburg, making a classical education in the Catholic tradition accessible to the young people of this area. Through their study of the humanities, mathematics, science, and the fine arts, Chesterton students will recognize and joyfully respond to the good, the true, and the beautiful.

Over the past nine months, we have come to believe firmly that this work is prompted and aided by divine providence. Long-shot deadlines have been met, providential words of encouragement have come to us unprompted, and key developments have occurred on significant liturgical days—especially Marian days. The story is just too big to tell in this space, though we look forward to telling it in the future. For now, we have to focus on doing the work that is before us—the work of launching the school.

But we need your help! Will you be part of this good work?

Like Fr. DuBois and Mother Seton, we need the help of generous benefactors to help launch and sustain the Chesterton Academy of the Annunciation. We need to raise enough money to cover the expenses of both this fiscal year and the next fiscal year as well. Our current fundraising goal is $200,000, which will help us keep our tuition at $6,900, thus making a Chesterton education accessible to as many students as possible.

Therefore, if you are able, I ask you to do two things:

  1. Visit today and give what you can to help launch the school!

  2. Please also consider sustaining this good work on an ongoing basis with a recurring gift.

Please also consider that when you use the online check/ACH option, you avoid the fee associated with card payments, meaning that more of your gift goes to the school!

If you are unable to make a donation today, please keep us in mind for the future. We plan to be here for the long term, and we appreciate any gift you can make at any point.

Whether or not you are able to make a donation right now, please give us the gift of sharing this link with anyone you can think of who might be interested in supporting this work!

And, finally, pray for us. Please know that we have formed the habit of praying for all the associates of our school. That is a broad category which includes, among others, those who pray for us as well as those who donate.

Thank you for considering supporting this good work, and may God reward you!

Jed Crook
President of the Board
Chesterton Academy of the Annunciation


Our Lady of Guadalupe: Anniversary Appeal


G.K. Chesterton: A Model for the New Evangelization