Join us in the 9-month novena that built the school!

March 2024

Dear students, families, friends, and associates—

I have said since the earliest days of our founding that what we are doing would be impossible without prayer. Prayer is what obtains for us God’s help, and I knew we would need God’s help if we were to succeed. Opening a school in a matter of months took serious human effort, but we certainly could not have done it without divine assistance.

Catholics know novenas (from Latin novem—nine) are typically prayed for nine days, but they can also go for other periods of time. I invite you to join me in a novena that goes for nine months, from Annunciation to Nativity. The Incarnation, through which we are redeemed, is the central event in history, and it begins with the Annunciation. (Although Annunciation is transferred this year to April 8, in order to make the full nine months between now and Christmas, we are starting March 25.)

Our Lady’s conception of the Son of God by the Holy Spirit seemed absolutely incredible. If we did not believe in miracles, we would not be able to believe that a mother could conceive in this way. But “no word shall be impossible with God” (Luke 1:37, Douay-Rheims). That is why we are inspired to pray for intentions that seem impossible. As long as it is truly good, not contrary to the will of God, we can ask the good God for anything, from the depths of the earth to the heights above (cf. Isaiah 7:11-14). People have received great favors through perseverance in prayer. For myself, I can tell you that this is the novena that launched our school.

While we may not receive exactly what we ask for, time spent in prayer is never wasted. I think it is pretty certain that Jesus, Mary, and Joseph will be pleased to do some good to one who accompanies them from Nazareth to Bethlehem across these nine months. If you are willing, I invite you to join me in this novena and see what divine providence has in store for you.

Let’s get started. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, pray for us!

May God bless us—

Jed Crook

President and Headmaster

Chesterton Academy of the Annunciation


PS—It’s OK if you start late or miss a day. Just do the best you can. Also, the optional parts really are optional—you can add them every day or just occasionally. I think it is good to add them at least once a week.

Nine-Month Novena for “Impossible” Requests

“No word shall be impossible with God” (Lk 1:37, cf. Isaiah 7:14)


Optional beginning. {Curly brackets} for one who has done the consecration to Jesus through Mary.

O Mary, ever-blessed Virgin, Mother of God, Queen of the angels and of the saints, I salute thee with the most profound veneration and filial devotion. {I renew the consecration of myself and all I have to thee.} I thank thee for thy maternal protection and for the many blessings that I have received through thy wondrous mercy and most powerful intercession. In all my necessities, I have recourse to thee with unbounded confidence. O Help of Christians, O Mother of mercy, I beseech thee now to hear my prayer, and to obtain for me of thy divine Son the favor that I request in this novena.


Obtain for me, also, dearest Mother, the grace that I may imitate thee and become more like to thee in the practice of the virtues of humility, obedience, purity, poverty, submission to the will of God, and charity. Be my protectress in life, guard and guide me in dangers, direct me in perplexities, lead me in the way of perfection, and assist me in the hour of my death, that I may come to Jesus, and with thee enjoy him, bless him, and love him eternally in heaven. Amen.


Essential part:

Each day, pray the Memorare (Remember, O Most gracious Virgin Mary…). Then make requests one by one, each followed by a Hail Mary.


O Sacrament most holy! O Sacrament divine! All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine.

Sweet Heart of Jesus, be my love!

Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation!

Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph, pray for me!


Optional ending:

(Latin) (English)

Alma Redemptoris Mater, quae pervia coeli Mother of Christ! Hear thou thy people’s cry,

Porta manes, et stella maris, succurre cadenti Star of the deep, and Portal of the sky,

Surgere qui curat, populo: tu quae genuisti, Mother of Him Who thee from nothing made,

Natura mirante, tuum sanctum Genitorem, Sinking we strive and call to thee for aid:

Virgo prius ac posterius, Gabrielis ab ore, Oh, by that joy which Gabriel brought to thee,

Sumens illud Ave, peccatorum miserere. Pure Virgin first and last, look on our misery.

Trans. Fr. Edward Caswall, 1814–1878.

Please share this novena. The prayers and hymn are taken from a Catholic prayer book originally published in 1905 with ecclesiastical approval. All material is in the public domain.


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